About the NVvTO

What is the NVvTO?

The “Nederlandse Vereniging voor Thuisonderwijs” (NVvTO) translates to the Dutch Home Education Association. It is an organization of parents (and other adults acting as such) in the Nethelands who home-educate their children, or have done so in the past, or plan to do so in the future.

Is the NVvTO based on a particular view of life?

Not at all. The NVvTO is meant for all parents who (plan to) home-educate, regardless of their religion, personal philosophy, country of origin, ethnic identity, occupation, educational method, and state of health and/or handicap of parent or child. The association aspires to preserve its pluralistic nature.

What does the NVvTO do?

The NVvTO is a forum where we can meet each other and share our ideas and experiences. We therefore can support each other in order to serve the needs and interests of our children in any way we think is best.

What else does the NVvTO do?

The NVvTO exists to serve home-educating parents according to their wishes. For instance, this may include events for our children and supporting a lending library for books and materials. Members inform each other about the laws concerning home education and their current interpretation. The NVvTO also aims to make home education more accessible in the Netherlands through dialogues with government, legislature and the press, on both local and national levels.

What is the NVvTO’s position on (public) schooling?

Home education is supposed to be an option, not an obligation. The NVvTO supports the right of all parents to have their children attend a school if and as long as they wish so.